Four sites in the direct path of Hurricane Michael unscathed in storm’s aftermath
Atlanta, GA– In the aftermath of one of the worst storms to hit the Gulf Coast of Florida and South Georgia in decades, inspections of four solar generation sites using Brilliant Rack racking systems showed no damage.
Despite devastated pecan tree groves and croplands throughout the area where the solar farms stood, the Brilliant Rack sites sustained no significant damage and resumed generating normally as soon as the hurricane’s cloud cover cleared. Property damage along much of Hurricane Michael’s path was estimated at more than $8 billion.
For solar developers, installers and investors, solar rack support systems and solutions that maximize long-term generation and minimize interruptions is money well-spent. That’s why the hurricane-tested strength of Brilliant Rack design makes it the right choice for any climate where storms and severe weather are common.
Brilliant Rack’s solar rack support system design features through-bolt construction and high-quality fabrication that kept the hurricane-tested sites standing sturdy through 155-mph winds, returning right away to ongoing performance.
The quality of Brilliant Rack design conforms to recent recommendations from a study of solar racking performed by the Rocky Mountain Institute, as detailed in PV Magazine.
It notes that “there were some similarities between failed systems – including module clamp failures, undersized racks, undersized and under-torqued bolts, a lack of bolt locking solutions, and a lack of lateral racking support. The engineers also observed that surviving systems had the modules through-bolted (no clamps), and featured bolts with locking solutions and lateral racking supports.”
Although hurricanes are coastal events, the Midwest has its own weather challenges, including tornadoes and blizzards.
“When you’re building a solar project to last for 30 years, choosing a racking solution that stands up to even the fiercest storm is an investment in long-term success,” said Pat Hutchinson, president of Brilliant Rack.
For maximum ongoing generation in even the worst weather events, start with a solar rack support system that is proven to withstand the fiercest fury of Mother Nature.
If you are a solar developer, installer or investor that would like more information on Brilliant Rack’s solar rack support system design and performance, visit the Brilliant Rack display at the MNSEIA Gateway to Solar Conference, November 12-13, at the Airport/Mall of America Hilton near the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport. Or click on the website, www.brilliantrack.com.