Solar Services
Cantsink is the forerunner in alternative energy construction.
Cantsink Alternative
Energy Support
Our Pad Support option can ensure your central inverters and transformers remain in place, without settlement issues, for the life of your system, using our structurally-engineered helical piles. Or, allow us to perform pull tests to ensure you have specified the correct beams for your trackers. We can supply and drive the beams, perform the test, and provide you with engineering analysis.

Solar Power World 2024
#1 Commercial Solar Contractor
Cantsink is proud to be named the #1 Commercial Solar Contractor for 2024. In addition, Cantsink has been in the top 20 National Solar Contractors for the past decade, a remarkable achievement considering there are over 450 companies under consideration. All this thanks to our great team and our wonderful partners and clients.

Cantsink Solar
Benefits of Our
Solar Services
Support Systems
Fixed Tilt
Fast Installation
Quick Turnaround on Orders

A better solution for inverter installation and management.
- Faster installation in central location rather than distributed under rows of panels
- Protection from the elements
- Speeds inspection of multiple units; minutes rather than hours
- Repair or replacement is faster and easier

Net Zero
Net Zero
Company headquarters & manufacturing facility are both net-zero energy operations.

Manufactured in Cantsink’s Metro Atlanta facility.

Helical piles and driven solar beams are made with US steel.

Our patented helical pile, with its' ICC-ES approved design, takes your foundation stabilization project to the next level.
We Are The
Solar Experts
Contact the experts at Cantsink today for a consultation on your ground mount solar needs. We can answer any questions you may have on our line of support products, our manufacturing process, and any other information you may need. Our team looks forward to working with you to determine the best support products for your alternative energy construction project.
Solar Panel Cleaning
When you invest in solar panels, you want to preserve your equipment. Not only does proper cleaning extend the life of your solar panels, but it dramatically affects their productivity and efficiency. Several electric membership cooperatives (EMCs) and independent power producers (IPPs) have chosen Cantsink exclusively for solar panel cleaning services. After soil/dirt is removed from panels, there is a noticeable increase in production that more than offsets the price of the cleaning. Please fill out the questionnaire below and contact Cantsink today to schedule an estimate to clean your ground-mounted solar panels.
- Increased revenue upwards of 5-15% on an annual basis
- Increased production year over year with annual cleaning
- Experienced technicians with specialized equipment