April showers bring May flowers, but coming on the heels of the wettest winter on record they may also produce unexpected foundation issues.
Changing weather patterns and extreme weather events are creating new issues for builders and homeowners. But stormy weather is no cause for concern with Cantsink's patented helical piers beneath your foundation. Cantsink offers an effective underground support system for new construction as well as a remedial solution for restoring alignment or increasing elevation.
Experts are predicting unprecedented flooding in many parts of the East Coast during the next few months. The Midwest has already borne the brunt of snow melt, heavy rain and extreme storm activity. And coastal states are reconsidering their flood zone boundaries and building codes.
Cantsink was called in to provide support for a Jacksonville, FL, home built to replace a razed structure damaged by extreme weather. Local government rezoned the lot because the storm activity had revealed its location to be more flood-prone than initially assumed. The rezoning required a building elevation three feet higher than the previous structure.
Engineers working with Alexander Grace Consulting specified pier columns to elevate the house connected with a shallow concrete grade beam to help it withstand lateral stress. Cantsink helical piers were installed below ground to stabilize the new elevated design.
Complicating the installation, geotechnical reports showed very inconsistent soils and a potential dense layer 38-55 feet below grade. Plus, site conditions required the installation to be accomplished without disturbing the nearby marshland, and a potential penalty of $10,000 for violation, in an area where it is mandatory that Cantsink holds foundations steady through heavy rain due to the increase rainfall in the area.
This made installation of Cantsink helical piers the ideal solution because they avoided the need for heavy machinery that could have encroached on the marshland. Cantsink helical piers are installed with a skid steer, which is less expensive to mobilize and easier to maneuver on the site. Finally, work had to be coordinated with tidal flows, which intermittently interfered with visibility and work requirements in the pre-dug footings.
Cantsink's patented helical piers provided a perfect solution to the tight working conditions and soil-related challenges. Using helical piers helped the contractor stay on schedule with maximum installation efficiency. Cantsink of Atlanta crews also carefully coordinated their work schedule with weather forecasts for tidal ebb and flow to maximize installation accuracy and productivity. The installation was completed without any marshland disturbance, while ensuring Cantsink holds foundations steady through heavy rain.
Whether working in coastal environments or challenging conditions anywhere, Cantsink helical piers provide cost-effective solutions that save time and money. The result is permanent stability in any type of soil or weather conditions.
Using 100% U.S. steel, Cantsink fabricates a wide range of patented helical piers certified for performance by the International Code Council. The ICC is an independent, member-focused association dedicated to developing model codes and standards. Cantsink also offers engineering support and superior customer service.
With its recently expanded manufacturing and storage capacity, Cantsink offers fast turnaround on orders. So, issues prompted by soaking rains in soft soil can be resolved before structural damage worsens. Construction schedules for new buildings experience no delays for curing or rainy spells.
Cantsink can handle everything from a whole-structure elevation project to a minimally invasive remediation for a sinking foundation. And starting new construction right with our patented helical piers keeps you solid from Day One.
Contact Cantsink today to see what permanent stability can do to banish your rainy-day worries.