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ICC-ES ESR#1559 Verifies that Cantsink Helical Piles Exceed Code Requirements
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Helical piles, manufactured by Cantsink, recently received an evaluation report (ESR#1559) from ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES), providing evidence that the helical piles exceed code requirements. Building officials, architects, contractors, specifiers, designers and others utilize ICC-ES Evaluation Reports to provide a basis for using or approving helical piles in construction projects under the International Helical Pile Code.
ICC-ES President Shahin Moinian explains why ICC-ES Evaluation Reports are so important. “Cantsink can now reference the evaluation report to ensure building officials and the building industry that the product meets I-Code requirements,” Moinian said. “Building departments have a long history of using evaluation reports, and ICC-ES operates as a technical resource with the highest quality of product review for the building department. Final approval of building products is always in the hands of the local regulatory agency.”
ICC-ES thoroughly examined Cantsink’s product information, test reports, calculations, quality control methods and other factors to ensure the product is code-compliant. Cantsink’s President, Patrick Hutchsinson said, ““Cantsink has always built and developed products with the utmost attention to detail, using strict quality standards. Our products have consistently exceeded specifications required by our highly competitive marketplace, and it is rewarding to receive the ICC compliance certification.”
A nonprofit, limited liability company, ICC-ES is the United States’ leading evaluation service for innovative building materials, components and systems. ICC-ES Evaluation Reports (ESRs) and PMG Listings provide evidence that products and systems meet requirements of codes and technical standards. ICC-ES also issues environmental reports verifying that products meet specific sustainability targets defined by today’s codes, standards, green rating systems and ICC-ES environmental criteria. ICC-ES is a subsidiary of the International Code Council® (ICC®). For more information, please visit www.icc-es.org.
Cantsink is a piling manufacturing company trusted throughout the nation to supply innovative, strong and cost-effective helical piles. In the helical pile industry since 1988, Cantsink has experience creating piles for a wide variety of structures. Their professional engineers have over 45 years of combined experience and this allows for Cantsink to provide any piling company with the advice it needs to find piles perfectly suited to its project whether for new construction, foundation repair, solar renewable energy projects, or other types of construction projects especially ensuring Helical Piles Exceed Code Requirements. For more information visit www.Cantsink.com, or Contact Us