Pier and beam foundations are used by homebuilders to secure homes built on backfilled lots, weak soils and on lots near water sources such as lakes or streams.
These foundations prevent weak ground from sinking or eroding from under the house, causing unsightly, impractical or even dangerous effects as its joints and materials pull and sag from changing position.
Establishing a pier and beam foundation begins with piles that are bored underground where soil is less likely to shift or heave and ground density can assure lasting alignment for the structure the foundation supports.
Cantsink engineers come to the site for soil testing, which may include borings in the home’s future footprint. These tests, along with calculations that account for the size and configuration of the house, help them determine exactly what types of piles to use, how deeply they should be embedded and how many piles to use.
Once these calculations have been made, the homebuilder establishes the exact contour of the house on its grade and digs its footings. Cantsink’s patented steel piles are then drilled into the layout. With Cantsink helical piles, insertion goes quickly with commonly used construction equipment. No special machines are required.
Once the piles are installed roughly six feet to eight feet apart, concrete beams are created to span between them. Rebar in the beams is used for additional reinforcement. With piles and beams in place, the concrete to create the home’s foundation is poured, finishing a lasting support for the home that resists sinking, shifting and settling.
Forming pier and beam foundations only takes a matter of days, or a week at most, and the result is a home that maintains its alignment for decades. Cantsink has been in the business of stabilizing and restoring foundations since 1988. Because of its long history and strong portfolio of lasting foundation durability, the company has established relationships throughout Metro Atlanta’s builder and engineering communities, with a widely recognized reputation for excellence.
Cantsink’s easily installed, below-ground helical piers are undetectable even as they provide lasting protection for the home’s value along with guaranteed results. These pier and beam foundations piles also can be used to support decks, pools, stoops, retaining walls, patios or other landscape structures, which also are vulnerable to unstable soil and inclement weather.
With products engineered to specific soil and climate conditions, Cantsink protects property value with easy, economical foundation stability. Just one call to Cantsink can engage our friendly, expert staff, who will come to the site and provide an initial assessment of its needs.
Cantsink provides customized engineering support and guaranteed products that assure lasting structural alignment and integrity. These solutions are each designed specifically for individual site conditions. Designers and builders throughout Metro Atlanta have come to trust Cantsink for the kind of lasting quality their customers expect.
Remember, a house is only as good as the foundation that supports it. Don’t settle for anything less than the trusted value of Cantsink pier and beam foundations and reinforcement.